Wolfharts One Shot

Written by David Lumsdon
Art by Fernando Ruiz
Colors by Anwar Hanano
Letters by Taylor Esposito
40 pages / full color / ISBN: 978-1-926443-43-0
Ace Wolfhart the werewolf is now in college and doing quite well... until his “friends with benefits” deal with Brooke reverts to “just friends.” With that outlet denied him, Ace begins to realize his orderly little life isn’t as solid as he thought. And as things start coming apart for him, conditions are ripe for the return of his female self, who has her own ideas about their future. Who’ll win control? Who’ll help? His roommate, Blair, the little-girl doll with the perverse male soul? Probably not. No, definitely not.
* This special one shot was funded as a stretch goal for Menage a 3's volume 9 Kickstarter which happened in 2018.